Sunday 3 July 2016

Thanks to Historical Crew

Braving a 4 degree frost Dave, Derek, Packy and Colin turned up at the Howick Historical Village to apply top coat to the Methodist Church. June turned up at morning tea with chocolate, pear and very hot muffins.

We achieved a lot of work - in fact all that was required. The south side high bits were left because of a wardrobe malfunction with the scaffolding where Alan learnt that he has powers un- benown of him, for high jumping to a safety ladder. Beautiful to watch.

I can report that we observed all Health and Safety regulations. Mayoral hopeful, Phil Goff turned up, and was offered a paintbrush and pot of paint which was declined but he told us he used to love painting as it was the only way he could listen to the cricket quietly without being given other chores.

Thanks Guys - below is a letter from the Village:

Dear Colin, Please thank your wife June for her delicious muffins she made for today's Woking bee at the Howick Historical Village.  It gave us all a new enthusiasm for painting. I thank you Colin for an excellent turnout by your Howick Lions, for an enjoyable and productive morning despite the heavy frost. With best wishes, Alan La Roche


Colin Salt, (Project Manager)