Wednesday 1 June 2016

President's Blog - June 2016

Greetings my fellow Howick Lions.

Congratulations to President-elect Grant, first Vice-President elect Colin, second Vice-President elect Dean and all members of our Howick Lions team for 2016-17 Lions year - very well done on standing for a position.

Another excellent response to VP Colin's request re the painting at Howick Historical Village - a great turn-out of 11 members and we finished in 1.5 hours. Another day is needed to finish the Church building.

What a wonderful dinner meeting - tasty food with an enthusiastic and happy atmosphere; well done Grant, Jean and all who assisted.

On 15th May Grant, Colin & myself attended the 202K incoming Officers' Training session at Auckland Uni Epsom campus - most important for our future leaders, and I know Grant and Colin got some motivation and ideas from the day.

Don't forget the June dinner meeting (also Zone 8 meeting) is at Bucklands Beach Yacht Club with a very busy & interesting evening planned.

Lastly, have you thought about our Lions 100 years project?

Keep warm and dry - Winter has arrived!
Yours in Lions

Neil Hornblow
Club President

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