Tuesday 1 March 2016

President's Blog - March 2016

Greetings fellow Lions and Partners.

Firstly congratulations to PCC,PDG Ian Packwood on celebrating his fabulous 50 years in Lions! What a wonderful achievement, which will be recognised at our March dinner meeting.

Thank you to all members who attended the Tamaki River Festival on February 13th. Although the numbers attending were not large, our presence was valuable, and we sold some sausages too.
Thank you to Tom for arranging an excellent speaker from the NZ Red Cross re refugees in our community - very topical and the young man from Ethiopia was excellent.

By the time you read this edition of the Tatler Howick Lions in the Park will be over for another year. Thanks to PP Brian Stocking and our Treasurer David Westwick for all their hard work and, also to PP Tom Owen for his efforts too.

I'm looking forward to our social function on March 6th at the Salt's home in Cockle Bay - don't forget to bring a plate of goodies. This leads us into the Howick Lions Water Safety Picnic at Cockle Bay on March 12th - hopefully this wonderful weather will still be about on the day.

FIJI Disaster; Our Zone 8 is rallying funds towards helping our fellow Lions in Fiji - cash is needed as well as spectacles; other goods for the schools such as paper, pens, books etc. will be needed later.

Welcome to Paul Curtis who has attended two meetings and is assisting at the Howick Lions in the Park. Paul's father is a Lion in the UK.

Our Lions year finishes on 30th June and VP. Grant has commenced getting his future team to organised. Please give consideration to putting your name forward for 2016-2017 year.

Finally 2017 is LCI Centenary; let us all have a think about what Howick Lions could do for our
community to recognise this major event. VP Grant has volunteered to be our club's coordinator.

Have a great month and… We serve because we Care!

Best wishes President Neil

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